Java Reference
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public String readLine() throws IOException
Reads a line of input from the input stream and returns that line. If the read goes beyond the end
of the fi le, null is returned. (Note that an EOFException is not thrown at the end of a fi le. The
end of a fi le is signaled by returning null .)
public long skip( long n) throws IOException
Skips n characters.
This is a wrapper class for byte . See Section 5.1 in Chapter 5 .
Package: java.lang
Ancestor classes:
Implemented interfaces: Comparable, Serializable
The Character class is marked final , which means it cannot be used as a base class to
derive other classes.
public static boolean isDigit( char argument)
Returns true if its argument is a digit; otherwise returns false.
Character.isDigit('5') returns true . Character.isDigit('A') and Character.
isDigit('%') both return false .
public static boolean isLetter( char argument)
Returns true if its argument is a letter; otherwise returns false.
Character.isLetter('A') returns true . Character.isLetter('%') and Character.
isLetter('5') both return false .
public static boolean isLetterOrDigit( char argument)
Returns true if its argument is a letter or a digit; otherwise returns false .
Character.isLetterOrDigit('A') and Character.isLetterOrDigit('5') both
return true . Character.isLetterOrDigit('&') returns false.
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