Java Reference
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public ArrayList( int initialCapacity)
Creates an empty ArrayList<T> with the specifi ed initial capacity. When the ArrayList<T>
needs to increase its capacity, the capacity doubles.
Throws an IllegalArgumentException if initialCapacity is negative.
public ArrayList()
Creates an empty ArrayList<T> with an initial capacity of 10 . When the ArrayList<T>
needs to increase its capacity, the capacity doubles.
public ArrayList(Collection<? extends <T> c)
Creates an ArrayList<T> that contains all the elements of the collection c in the same order
as they have in c . In other words, the elements have the same index in the ArrayList<T>
created as they do in c . This is not quite a true copy constructor because it does not preserve
capacity. The capacity of the created ArrayList<T> will be c.size() , not c.capacity .
The ArrayList<T> created is only a shallow copy of the collection argument. The
ArrayList<T> created contains references to the elements in c (not references to clones of
the elements in c ).
NullPointerException if c is null.
public T set( int index, T newElement)
Sets the element at the specifi ed index to newElement . The element previously at that position
is returned. If you draw an analogy to an array a , this is analogous to setting a [index] to the
value newElement. The index must be a value greater than or equal to 0 and strictly less than
the current size of the list.
IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is not in this range.
public T get( int index)
Returns the element at the specifi ed index. This is analogous to returning a[index] for an
array a . The index must be a value greater than or equal to 0 and less than the current size of
the calling object.
IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is not in the required range.
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