Java Reference
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height . The last two arguments, arcWidth and arcHeight , specify the arcs that will
be used for the corners so as to produce a rounded rectangle. Each corner is replaced
with a quarter of an oval that is arcWidth pixels wide and arcHeight pixels high.
This is illustrated in Display 18.15. To obtain corners that are arcs of circles, just make
arcWidth and arcHeight equal.
paintComponent for Panels
You can draw figures on a JPanel and place the JPanel in a JFrame . When defining
a JPanel class that contains a graphics drawing, use the method paintComponent
instead of the method paint , but otherwise the details are similar to what we have
seen for JFrame s . JFrame s use the method paint . However, JPanel s—and in fact
all JComponent s—use the method paintComponent . A very simple example of using
paintComponent with a JPanel is given in Display 18.16 .
If you look back at Display 17.12 in Chapter 17 , you will see that a JPanel is a
JComponent , but a JFrame is not a JComponent . A JFrame is only a Component . This
is why they use different methods to paint the screen.
Action Drawings and repaint
The program in Display 18.17 is similar to the program in Display 18.13. It draws a
happy face similar to the happy face given in Display 18.13, but with one difference:
There is a button at the bottom of the GUI that says Click for a Wink . When you
click that button, the left eye winks. (Remember the left eye is on your right.) Let us
see the details.
Display 18.15
A Rounded Rectangle
g.drawRoundRect(x, y, width, height, arcWidth, arcHeight);
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