Java Reference
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Display 18.6
View Port for a Text Area
Text area
When using scroll bars, the text is viewed through a view
port that shows only part of the text at a time. You can
view a different part of the text by using the scroll bars
that are placed along the sides of the view port. It is as if
the text were written on an unbounded sheet of paper,
but the paper is covered by another piece of paper with a
rectangular cutout that lets you see a portion of the text.
The cutout is the view port. This is illustrated in Display
18.4. You then use the scroll bars to move the view port
so that different portions of the text can be seen through
the cut-out view port. (You may prefer to think of the
view port as fixed and the text as moving. These two
ways of thinking are equivalent.) Swing allows you to
add scroll bars to your text areas by using the class
View port
An object of the class JScrollPane is essentially a view
port with scroll bars. When you create a JScrollPane ,
Display 18.7
Some Methods in the Class JScrollPane (part 1 of 2)
The JScrollPane class is in the javax.swing package.
public JScrollPane(Component objectToBeScrolled)
Creates a new JScrollPane for the objectToBeScrolled. Note that the objectToBeScrolled
need not be a JTextArea , although that is the only type of argument considered in this topic.
public void setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy ( int policy)
Sets the policy for showing the horizontal scroll bar. The policy should be one of the following:
The phrase AS_NEEDED means the scroll bar is shown only when it is needed. This is explained
more fully in the text. The meanings of the other policy constants are obvious from their names.
(As indicated, these constants are defined in the class JScrollPane . You should not need to
even be aware of the fact that they have int values. Think of them as policies, not as int values.)
public void setVerticalScrollBarPolicy ( int policy)
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