Java Reference
In-Depth Information
A panel is a container object that is used to group components inside of a larger
container. Panels are objects in the class JPanel .
A menu item is a choice on a menu. A menu item is realized in your code as an object
of the class JMenuItem . A menu is an object of the class JMenu . A menu item is added
to a JMenu with the method add . A menu bar is an object of the class JMenuBar . A
menu is added to a JMenuBar with the method add .
A JMenuBar can be added to a JFrame with the method setJMenuBar . It can also be
added using the method add , just as any other component can be added.
Both buttons and menu items fire action events and so normally have one or more
action listeners registered with them to respond to the events.
Answers to Self-Test Exercises
1. The JFrame class.
2. Sizes in Swing are measured in pixels.
3. someWindow.setDefaultCloseOperation(
4. someWindow.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
5. When you click the minimizing button, the JFrame is reduced to an icon, usually
at the bottom of your monitor screen.
6 . someWindow.setVisible(n > 0);
The following also works but is not good style:
if (n > 0)
someWindow.setVisible( true );
someWindow.setVisible( false );
7. An action event.
8. public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
9. Change
JFrame firstWindow = new JFrame();
JFrame firstWindow = new JFrame("My First Window");
Alternatively, you can add the following:
firstWindow.setTitle("My First Window");
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