Java Reference
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Listeners as Inner Classes (part 2 of 2)
40 bluePanel = new JPanel();
41 greenPanel.setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
42 add(bluePanel);
43 whitePanel = new JPanel();
44 whitePanel.setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
45 add(whitePanel);
46 grayPanel = new JPanel();
47 grayPanel.setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
48 add(grayPanel);
49 JMenu colorMenu = new JMenu("Add Colors");
50 JMenuItem blueChoice = new JMenuItem("Blue");
51 blueChoice.addActionListener(new blueListener());
52 colorMenu.add(blueChoice);
53 JMenuItem whiteChoice = new JMenuItem("White");
54 whiteChoice.addActionListener(new WhiteListener());
55 colorMenu.add(whiteChoice);
56 JMenuItem grayChoice = new JMenuItem("Gray");
57 grayChoice.addActionListener(new grayListener());
58 colorMenu.add(grayChoice);
59 JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar();
60 bar.add(colorMenu);
61 setJMenuBar(bar);
62 }
63 }
Self-Test Exercises
25. What type of event is fired when you click a JMenuItem? How does it differ
from the type of event fired when you click a JButton ?
26. Write code to create a JButton with "Hello" written on it but with "Bye" as
its action command.
27. Write code to create a JMenuItem with "Hello" as its displayed text (when it is
a choice in a menu) but with "Bye" as its action command.
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