Java Reference
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Display 17.9
The GridLayout Manager (part 2 of 2)
First label Second label Third label
Fourth label Fifth label
Note that we have placed a demonstration main method in the class definition in
Display 17.9. This is handy, but is not typical. Normally, a Swing GUI is created
and displayed in a main method (or other method) in some class other than the class
that defines the GUI. However, it is perfectly legal and sometimes convenient to
place a main method in the GUI class definition so that it is easy to display a sample
of the GUI. Note that the main method that is given in the class itself is written in
the same way as a main method that is in some other class. In particular, you need
to construct an object of the class, as in the following line from the main method in
Display 17.9 :
GridLayoutJFrame gui = new GridLayoutJFrame(2, 3);
The three layout managers we have discussed are summarized in Display 17.10.
Next we will discuss panels, which will let you realize the full potential of
layout managers.
GUI Layout
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