Environmental Engineering Reference
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iGMe 1986. Bases para la ordenación minera y ambi-
ental de la extracción de picón en las Canarias (Ten-
erife, Lanzarote y Gran Canaria) . Madrid: instituto
Geológico y Minero de españa.
lomoschitz, a. 1996. Caracterización geotécnica del ter-
reno, con ejemplos de Gran Canaria y Tenerife. las Pal-
mas de Gran canaria: Departamento de construcción
arquitectónica. e.T.s. de arquitectura—UlPGc.
lomoschitz, a. Jiménez, JR. Yepes, J. Pérez-luzardo,
JM. Macías-Machín, a. socorro, M. hernández, l.
Rodríguez, Ja. & olalla c. 2006. Basaltic lapilli used
for construction Purposes in the canary islands,
spain. Environmental and Engineering Geoscience
(12): 327-336.
Makoto, k. hiroshi, T. & Wataru, i.1996. Properties of
concrete using lapilli as coarse aggregate. Journal of the
Society of Materials Science , Japan. 45(9):1008-1013.
Ministerio de agricultura unpubl. Los Lapillis de la
Isla de Lanzarote . Unpublished report, 1983. insti-
tuto nacional para la conservación de la naturaleza
(i.c.o.n.a.) servicio Provincial de las Palmas, las
Palmas de Gran canaria.
Ministerio de Fomento 2003. spanish standard 6.1-ic:
Secciones de firme de la Instrucción de Carrete-
ras. orden FoM/3460/2003, de 28 de noviembre:
santana, M. de santiago, c. Perucho, a. & serrano. a. 2008.
Relación entre características químico-mineralógicas y
propiedades geotécnicas de piroclastos canarios. Geo-
Temas, sociedad Geológica de españa 10:947-950.
de santiago, c. & Raya, M. 2008. study of the porosity
features of lightweight expanded clay aggregates by
means of helium pycnometry and Mercury porosim-
etry. in aeGain (ed.), Cities and their underground
environment. Proc. of II European Conference of the
International Association for Engineering Geology .
EUROENGEO 2008. Madrid, 15-19 september
serrano, a. olalla c. & Perucho a. 2002, evaluation of
non-linear strength laws for volcanic agglomerates. in
Dinis da Gama and l. Ribeiro e sousa (eds.). Work-
shop on Volcanic Rocks. EUROCK 2002. Funchal,
27 november 2002.
The main conclusions that have been obtained in
this study are related to (a) basic geological and
geotechnical properties; (b) properties as aggregate
of concrete; and (c) properties as granular material
for highways. We conclude that, due to their low
density, high porosity and angular shape, lapilli
particles have a quite different geomechanical
response than other granular natural materials. The
uses we have made of lapilli in the canary islands
could serve as a useful guide for its use in other
volcanic areas of the world. it is especially interest-
ing for regions with recent basaltic lapilli deposits
and a climate that is dry or slightly humid, where
weathering processes are not very intense.
Blyth, F.G.h. & de Freitas, M.h. 1984. A Geology for
Engineers . london: edward arnold.
european economic council, 1989. The Construction
Products Directive . Brussels: council Directive 89/106/
eec of 21 December 1988 on the approximation of
laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the
Member states relating to construction products.
enaDiMsa unpubl. Inventario y catalogación de estructu-
ras de lapilli en las Islas Canarias (La Palma, Fuerteven-
tura y El Hierro). Unpublished report, 1987. Madrid:
empresa nacional de investigaciones Mineras, s.a.
Guigou Fernández, c. unpubl. Influencia de las cara-
cterísticas petrográficas de los áridos en el hormigón :
Unpublished PhD, 1990. Universidad de las Palmas
de Gran canaria: Departamento de construcción
arquitectónica. e.T.s. de arquitectura.
iGMe 1974a. Mapa de Rocas Industriales, escala
1:200.000, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria . Madrid:
instituto Geológico y Minero de españa.
iGMe, 1974b. Mapa Geotécnico General, escala
1:200.000, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria . Madrid:
instituto Geológico y Minero de españa.
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