Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1.
cabo Girão tourist complex plant.
This formation presents a significant thickness,
sometimes reaching 17 m and it's characterized,
when exposed, to be easily erodible, provoking
a quick change of its compaction and resistance
characteristics, contributing to the existence of a
weathered and decompressed upper horizon.
The outcrop appears only near the existent
feeder road. in the southern zone, the outcrops
are mainly of fractured basalts and disaggregated
breccias, namely in the excavation slope adjoin-
ing the existent road. The geotechnical parameters
adopted for these soils, formed mainly by tuffs,
and derived from the tests results, were: density
γ = 19 kn/m 3 , friction angle ∅' = 30°, cohesion
c' = 10 kPa e base/soil friction angle tg δ f = 0,45.
Figure 2.
cabo Girão aerial view (January 2006).
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