Environmental Engineering Reference
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analYsis oF solUTions
which have been described in the previous sections
of this paper. The harmonisation of both tasks
had been considered in the project in such a way
that the complex could be preserved and, if possi-
ble, would even see its aesthetics improved. safety
had to be guaranteed to the extent that it would
be feasible to open it to the public whilst making
the task of maintenance indispensable given the
presence of a natural process the ultimate result of
which is destabilisation.
at the same time, the work undertaken was
undertaken without the presence of similar previ-
ous experience based on which approaches could
be compared and solutions clarified. it was also
ascertained that the different orders of magnitude
of the problem needed to be graphically depicted
in greater detail than those used up to that point.
This was the reason for an additional detailed topo-
graphical survey using a laser-scanner which would
enable obtaining a highly accurate topographical
three-dimensional model of the entire Jameos.
4.1 General approach
once the various types of problems had been
studied, the solutions to be adopted were analysed
for the renovation of the auditorium. in order to
do this it was very useful to classify the problems
described in the previous sections of this paper,
even although there were actions which aimed to
solve various types of risk at the same time.
all the solutions considered shared the common
denominator of the strict maintenance of the nat-
ural aesthetics of the volcanic materials affected,
whilst changing their state as little as possible. in
this sense tests had to be performed on site of all
the treatments being considered for any level with
the objective of verifying their suitability from an
aesthetic point of view.
as already commented, the starting point for
the focus of solving the problem was treating the
complex as a patrimonial asset which had to be
preserved, whilst constantly respecting the aesthet-
ics of its natural surroundings.
This approach had to be observed without com-
promising the engineering actions which had to
be undertaken to provide a solution to the various
geotechnical problems detected in the complex and
4.2 Objectives of the intervention
With this group of determining factors an action and
implementation protocol was developed with the fol-
lowing complementary and concurrent objectives:
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