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[1] The Parallel-NetCDF Quick Tutorial. http://trac.mcs.anl.gov/
projects/parallel-netcdf/wiki/QuickTutorial .
Accessed: 2014-03-
[2] John M. Dennis, Jim Edwards, Ray Loy, Robert Jacob, Arthur A. Mirin,
Anthony P. Craig, and Mariana Vertenstein. An Application-Level Paral-
lel I/O Library for Earth System Models. International Journal of High
Performance Computing Applications, 26(1):43{53, 2012.
[3] Rob Latham, Chris Daley, Wei keng Liao, Kui Gao, Rob Ross, Anshu
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ing the FLASH Astrophysics Code. Computational Science & Discovery,
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[4] Jianwei Li, Wei keng Liao, Alok Choudhary, Robert Ross, Rajeev Thakur,
William Gropp, Rob Latham, Andrew Siegel, Brad Gallagher, and Michael
Zingale. Parallel netCDF: A High Performance Scientific I/O Inter-
face. In Proceedings of Supercomputing: The International Conference for
High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC 03,
page 39, Phoenix, AZ, November 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press.
[5] Andreas Lintermann, Matthias Meinke, and Wolfgang Schrder. Fluid Me-
chanics Based Classification of the Respiratory Eciency of Several Nasal
Cavities. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 43(11):1833{1852, 2013.
[6] Russ Rew and Glenn Davis. Data Management: NetCDF: An Interface for
Scientic Data Access. IEEE Comput. Graph. Appl., 10(4):76{82, 1990.
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