Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
I. Introduction to Geology
2. From the data in Table 3.1, determine the following for the
number of landslides per year.
a. Mean (the arithmetic average; divide total number of
landslides by number of years)
b. Median (the middle value; with equal number of val-
ues above and below)
c. Mode (the most common; what value occurred most
Fenner, P., (ed.), 1972, Quantitative geology. Geological Society
of America, Special Paper 146,101 p.
Jones, G. E., 1995, How to lie with charts: San Francisco, Sybex,
279 p.
Nelson, R. A., 1995, Guide for metric practice: Physics Today,
v. 48, no. 8, p. BG15-16
Youden, W. J., 1985, Experimentation and measurement:
Washington, DC, National Science Teachers Association, 97 p.
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