Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
1. Figure 1.3 identifies many components of the geosystem,
but does not show linkages between all of them. Sketch on
this figure links that you think might exist between various
geosystem components. If you are uncertain, it may help to
refer to your text. Add to your links a few key words that
explain why you think a particular link exists. Add soils to
the diagram, and indicate important links in their formation
and erosion.
7. What benefits for humans might accompany global
The following questions refer to Figure 1.4.
8. If you can run a four-minute mile (only slightly slower
than the world record pace), which geologic processes will
be able to catch you? (Hint: Use the conversion factors given
in Appendix 1 and refer, if needed, to exercise 3 for a discus-
sion of unit conversion.)
2. Is the Earth a closed system? Explain.
9. If you are driving a car at 65 miles per hour, which geo-
logic processes will be able to catch you?
3. According to this figure, what is the net annual gain in the
mass of the Earth?
10. If fingernails typically grow at a rate of about 15 mm per
year, what geologic processes are occurring at the same rate?
4. List the processes acting on or flowing through the surface
of the Earth.
11. Soil profiles are about one meter thick in many parts of the
world. How long, at an average rate of erosion, will it be before
all the soil is removed (assuming that it is not replenished)?
5. What two energy sources drive the hydrologic cycle?
6. What are the "greenhouse gases" and what do they do?
Ausubel, J. H., 1991, A second look at the impacts of climatic
change: American Scientist, v. 79, no. 3, p. 210-221.
Bloom, A. L., 1998, Geomorphology: A systematic analysis of Late
Cenozoic landforms (3rd ed.): Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Pren-
tice-Hall, 482 p.
Busch, R. M. ed., 1990, Laboratory manual in physical geology
(2nd ed.): Columbus, OH: Merrill, 222 p.
Easterbrook, D. (ed.), 2003, Quaternary geology of the United
States: INQUA 2003 field guide volume: Reno, NV, Nevada
Desert Research Institute, 438 p.
Fischer, A. G., 1969, Geologic time-distance rates: the Bub-
noff Unit: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 80,
p. 549-551.
Graf, W. L. (ed.), 1987, Geomorphic systems of North America:
Boulder, CO, Geological Society of America, 643 p.
IPCC, 2001, Climate Change 2001: Synthesis report. A Contribu-
tion of Working Groups I, II, and III to the Third Assess-
ment Report of the Integovernmental Panel on Climate
Change [Watson, R. T. and the Core Writing Team (eds.)].
Cambridge, United Kingdom, and New York, Cambridge
University Press, 398 p. See also:
climate/ipcc_tar/vol4/english/pdf / spm.pdf
IPCC, 2007, Climate Change 2007: The physical basis. Summary
for Policy Makers. Contribution of Working Group I to the
Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change [Drafting Authors and Draft Con-
tributing Authors]. Retrieved April 28, 2007, from: http://
Jacobsen, H. K. and Price, M. E, 1990, A framework for
research on the human dimensions of global environmen-
tal change. International Social Science Council/UNESCO:
ISSC/UNESCO Series 3, 71 p.
McKenzie, G. D., Foley, D., and Utgard, R. O., 1996, Geoenvi-
ronmental time scale: Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, v. 27, p. 477
Miller, E. C, and Westerback, M. E., 1989, Interpretation of
topographic maps: New York, Merrill Publishing Company
(now Prentice-Hall), 340 p.
Okulitch, A. V., 1988, Proposals for time classification and
correlation of Precambrian rocks and events in Canada
and adjacent areas of the Canadian Shield, Part 3, A Pre-
cambrian time chart for the Geological Atlas of Canada:
Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 87-23, 20 p.
Palmer, A. R., 1983, The decade of North American geology
1983 geologic time scale: Geology, v. 11, p. 503-504.
Rahn, P. H., 1996, Engineering Geology: Englewood Cliffs, NJ,
Prentice Hall, 657 p.
Selby, M. J., 1985, Earth's changing surface: An introduction to
geomorphology: Oxford, England, Clarendon Press, 607 p.
Walker, J.D., and Cohen, H.A. (Compilers), 2006, The geo-
science handbook (AGI Datasheets, 4th ed.): Alexandria,
VA, American Geological Institute, 300 p.
West, T. R., 1995, Geology applied to engineering: Englewood
Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall, 560 p.
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