Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
d. List of factors that might make an unsustainable com-
munity with respect to water resources (even with a plan
for sustainable water resources).
c. From the information available in the 2005 Sound Science
Initiative report, how long would it be before there is a
problem with the aquifer in the Savannah area of Georgia?
10. Now use information from the Sound Science Report
(2005) that is available from several sources online and indi-
cated below to prepare a water supply plan for your commu-
nity. (Your instructor may assign this as an in-class or
homework activity. Check the reference section of this man-
ual for additional references. You may choose to submit your
responses on a separate sheet of paper.)
d. What are the alternatives for meeting water needs accord-
ing to what you have found in your searches? (http: / / www
. c ws/Documents/Detercnining_Future
e. What are the recommendations that you (or your
group) would make to provide (possibly through sev-
eral sources) sustainable water supplies for your coastal
community. Consider changing populations and cli-
mates in your recommendations. (Optional additional
The key questions to be answered now are:
a. Will engineered barriers to prevent saltwater intrusion
be suitable for your community? (See http: / / www.gadnr .
org / c ws / Documents / Wha t_Ha ve_We_Learned .pdf)
b. A plume of salt water in the vicinity of Hilton Head Island
has advanced 6 miles since 1965. By 2005, what was the
average rate of advance in feet per year over that period?
Bruington, A. E., 1972, Saltwater intrusion into aquifers:
Water Resources Bulletin, American Water Resources Assn.,
v. 8, no. 1, p. 150-160.
Carr, J. E., et al. (comp.), 1990, National water summary
1987-hydrologic events and water supply and use: U.S. Geo-
logical Survey Water-Supply Paper 2350,553 p.
Coastal Georgia Water and Wastewater Permitting Plan for Man-
aging Salt Water Intrusion by Sue Grunwald, EPD Planning
& Policy Advisor (PowerPoint presentation to the 2007
Georgia Water Resources Conference), http://www.gadnr
. org / cws / Documents / Coastal_Permitting_2007.pdf
Counts, H. B., and Donsky, E., 1963, Saltwater encroachment,
geology and ground-water resources of Savannah South Car-
olina: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1611,
100 p.
Foxworthy, G. L., 1978, Nassau County, Long Island, New
York—water problems in humid country. In Nature to be
Commanded eds. G. D. Robinson and A. M. Spieker,
U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 950, p. 55-68.
Garza, R., and Krause, R.E., 1996, Water-supply potential of
major streams and the Upper Floridan aquifer in the vicinity of
Savannah, Georgia: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply
Paper 2411,36 p.
Georgia Department of Natural Resources, 2005, What have
we learned from the Sound Science Initiative, http://www
Georgia Department of Natural Resources, 2006, Coastal
Georgia water and wastewater permitting plan for man-
aging salt water intrusion,
Georgia Department of Natural Resources, 2007, Coastal Per-
mitting Plan Guidance Document: Method for detenrdning
future water demand needs for public/private water systems,
Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Environmental
Protection Division home page,
Georgia Department of Natural Resources, n.d., Coastal
Sound Science Initiative—A scientific study of groundwater
use in coastal Georgia: Retrieved August 19, 2007, from
http:/ / c ws/
Grand Prairie Irrigation Project by Natural Resources Conser-
vation Service,
Hays, P. D., and Fugitt, D. T., 1999, The Sparta Aquifer in
Arkansas' critical ground-water areas—Response of the aquifer
to supplying future water needs: U.S. Geological Survey
Water-Resources Investigations Report 99^075, 6 p.
Hosman, J., and Weiss, J. S., 1991, Geohydrologic units of the
Mississippi embayment and Texas coastal uplands aquifer sys-
tems, south-central United States: U. S. Geological Survey
Professional Paper 1416-B, 19 p.
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