Geology Reference
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6. The rock and regolith graded from the high areas of the
hillside were used as fill to provide additional building sites
on the slope of the hill adjacent to the cut surface. Complete
the sketch (Figure 8.19) to illustrate the site.
d. What is the type of mass wasting that destroyed the road?
Consult the maps (Figure 8.23 in back of topic) to answer ques-
tions 11-13.
11. a. Circle the location of the apartment complex on each
7. a. Where would the landslides observed in the 1968 photo
(Figure 8.18) be in your sketch (Figure 8.19)?
b. From the maps, how many buildings were on the site
in 1961?
In 1995? _
b. What is the material of this landslide: bedrock, fill or
c. On the 1995 map, add the apartment buildings that once
existed (see 1975 photo). The maximum number was
8. On the 1971 stereo triplet (Figure 8.20),
a. Mark the area of rockfall hazard for the apartments
with (R).
d. The thin dashed line represents the city boundary. How
does the river influence this boundary or does it?
b. Compared to the 1968 (Figure 8.18) photo, where is the
increased area of mass movement?
e. The Hocking River underwent a major change in form
and position between 1961 and 1995. Describe these
changes near Ohio University.
c. How many apartment buildings are there in the com-
pleted complex in 1971 (Figure 8.20)?
f. On the 1995 map, mark one location where natural
change in the river has occurred following channelization
by humans in the early 1970s. What is the change and
what is your evidence that it has occurred?
9. On the 1975 stereopair (Figure 8.21)
a. Outline the areas of landslides (L)
b. How many different landslides can you identify?
12. From what you know of the landscape in the vicinity of
the apartment site between 1968 (photo) and 1995(map),
mark the location where highway 33/50 passes over the toe
of a landslide.
c. Identify any site(s) where a building has been removed.
d. Mark buildings with an "X" that you think will be lost
or removed because of mass wasting.
13. Briefly describe what happened to the river near the row
of trees on the river bank between 1968 (Figure 8.18) and 1975
(Figure 8.21).
e. What is the purpose of the chain-link fence (F) behind
the apartment?
14. Now that you have nearly completed the exercise you
should be able to see the development of the major landslide,
active before all the apartments were built. Describe changes
in the road and flood plain from the photos:
a. 1968-1971
f. What type of mass wasting deposit would you find
adjacent to the fence? Explain.
b. 1971-1975
10. From the 1976 image (Figure 8.22),
a. Is the road at the base of the hill suitable for automobiles?
c. 1975-1976
b. How many apartments are left?
15. What recommendation would you give to anyone prepar-
ing a building site in the vicinity of and at the same level (and
presumably with the same strata) as the apartment site?
c. Why did they not build these structures where it is flat,
such as at B?
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