Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Tabl e 1 The -calculus
Process and channels
Process names
x , y ;:::
Channel names
x, y;:::
Channel co-names
WWD x .y/
Receive y along x
WWD x i y h
Send y along x
Process syntax
WWD P 1 j P 2
Parallel processes
:P 1
Sequential prefixing by communication
1 :P 1 C 2 :P 2
Mutually exclusive communication
. x/P
Restricted communication scope
Inert process
Structural congruence
P j Q Q j P
Commutativity of PAR
.P j Q/ j R P j .Q j R/
Associativity of PAR
Commutativity of summation
C Q/ C R P
C .Q C R/
Associativity of summation
. x/0 D 0
Scope of inert process
. x/. y/P
. y/. x/P
Multiple communication scopes
.. x/P j Q// . x/.P j Q/ if x fn.Q/
Scope extrusion
A. y/ f y=x g Q A
Recursive parametric definition
D x. z /:. f z =y g P/ if z fn.P/
Renaming of input channel y
. y/P
D . z /:. f z =y g P/ if z fn.P/
Renaming of restricted channel y
Reaction rules
. C x i x h :Q/ j . C x.y/:P/ ! Q j P f x=y g
Communication (COMM)
! P 0 then P j Q ! P 0 j Q
if P
Reaction under parallel composition
! P 0 then . x/P
! . x/P 0
if P
Reaction within restricted scope
! P 0 and P 0 Q 0 then Q ! Q 0
if Q P ,P
Reaction up to structural congruence
by communication. The processes are constructed using channel names according
to the syntax, show in Table 1 , in which the channel are indicated with their names
x;y;::: and the process with the capital letters P;Q;:::. The simplest process is
the empty process 0. The communication between to process consists of two types
of atomic actions, denoted as and cal le d prefix :the input x.y/ to receive a name
for y along the channel x and the output x h z i to send the name z along the channel x.
A process P may be prefixed with an input or output action : P will occur
only after the action is performed. Processes may also be combined to create
more complex ones. The mutual exclusive choice operator C allows summation
of processes and denotes a complex process able to perform exactly one of several
alternative actions. The choice between the actions is non-deterministic and depends
on the actual communication that will occur. In fact, since several alternative
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