Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 5 Original B-scan ( top ) and the respective 2D-NCDF ( middle ) and 3D-NCDF ( bottom )
filtered versions of an healthy volunteer's retina
In the work herewith presented we propose to extend the application of a nonlinear
complex diffusion filters from 2- to 3-dimensions and quantitatively and qualita-
tively demonstrate its advantages.
The natural drawback is the required computing time. On the other hand,
we should note the increased edge preservation while simultaneously achieving
much smoother areas as demonstrated by the and ENL parameters, respectively.
Moreover the improved version of the NCDF shows better smoothing results than
the traditional approach, taking the same roughly the same amount of computa-
tional time.
Additionally, the visual inspection allows to see the increased definition of the
several retinal layers.
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