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omega = 2/(1 + sqrt(1 - (dx/dx1)ˆ(1/p)));
error('Too many iterations')
Conjugate Gradient Method
Consider the problem of finding the vector x that minimizes the scalar function
2 x T Ax
b T x
f ( x )
where thematrix A is symmetric and positive definite .Because f ( x ) isminimizedwhen
its gradient
b iszero, we see that minimizationisequivalenttosolving
Gradient methods accomplish the minimizationbyiteration,starting with an
initial vector x 0 .Each iterativecycle k computes arefined solution
x k + 1
x k
+ α
k s k
The step length
α k is chosen so that x k + 1 minimizes f ( x k + 1 ) in the search direction s k .
That is, x k + 1 must satisfyEq. (2.38):
A ( x k + α k s k )
Introducing the residual
r k =
Ax k
r k . Premultiplying both sides by s k and solving for
Eq. (a) becomes
As k =
α k , we
s k r k
s k As k
α k =
We arestill left with the problem of determining the search direction s k . Intuition
tells us to choose s k =−
r k ,since this is the direction of the largest negative
change in f ( x ). The resulting procedure isknown as the method of steepest descent .
It is not apopular algorithmdue to slow convergence. The moreefficientconjugate
gradient methoduses the search direction
s k + 1 =
r k + 1 + β k s k
β k is chosen so that the twosuccessivesearch directions are conjugate
(noninterfering)toeach other, meaning s k + 1 As k
The constant
0.Substituting for s k + 1 from
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