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λ =
10 000 and changed the starting pointto(0.733 07, 7.587 76), the end pointofthe
first run. The results shown beloware nowacceptable.
>>Intersection point = 0.65561 7.62654
Constraint x*y = 5.00006
Distance = 4.36041
Number of cycles = 4
10 000 in the first run?In thiscase we wouldbelucky and
obtain the minimum in 17 cycles. Hence wesaveonly six cycles by using two runs.
However, a large
Couldwehave used
λ =
often causes the algorithm to hang up,sothat it generallywise to
start with a small
Fletcher-Reeves Method
Let us assume again that the meritfunction has the quadraticform in Eq. (10.5). Given
a direction v , it took Powell's method n line minimizationstoconstruct a conjugate
direction. Wecan reduce thistoa single line minimizationwith afirst-ordermethod.
Here is the procedure, known as the Fletcher-Reeves method:
Choose a starting point x 0 .
g 0 ←−
F ( x 0 )
v 0
g 0 (lacking a previoussearch direction, we choose the steepest descent).
loopwith i
Minimize F ( x ) along v i ; let the minimum point be x i + 1 .
g i + 1 ←−
F ( x i + 1 ).
if g i + 1
F ( x i + 1 )
F ( x i )
exit loop (convergence criterion).
( g i + 1 ·
( g i ·
g i + 1 )
g i )
v i + 1
g i + 1 + γ
v i .
end loop
It can be shown that v i and v i + 1 are mutually conjugate; that is, they satisfy the
relationship v i Av i + 1 =
The Fletcher-Reeves methodwill find the minimum of a quadraticfunctionin
n iterations. If F ( x ) is not quadratic, it is necessary to restart the process after every
n iterations. A variant of the Fletcher-Reeves methodreplaces the expression for
0 .Also g i ·
g i + 1 =
( g i + 1
g i )
g i + 1
γ =
g i ·
g i
Foraquadratic F ( x )thischange makes no difference since g i and g i + 1 areorthogonal.
However,formeritfunctionsthat are not quadratic, Eq. (10.6) isclaimed to eliminate
the need forarestart after n iterations.
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