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do with i
v i
v i + 1 ( v 1 is discarded, the othervectors are reused)
end do
end cycle
Powell demonstrated that the vectors v n + 1 producedinsuccessivecycles are mu-
tually conjugate,sothat the minimum pointofa quadraticsurface is reachedin
precisely n cycles. Inpractice, the meritfunctionis seldom quadratic, but aslong as
itcan be approximated locallybyEq. (10.5), Powell's methodwill work. Of course, it
usually takes morethan n cycles to arrive at the minimum of anonquadraticfunction.
Note that ittakes n line minimizationstoconstruct each conjugate direction.
Figure 10.3(a) illustrates onetypicalcycle of the methodinatwo dimensional
design space ( n
2).Westart with point x 0 and vectors v 1 and v 2 . Thenwe find the
distance s 1 that minimizes F ( x 0 +
s v 1 ), finishing up at point x 1 =
x 0 +
s 1 v 1 .
Next, we
determine s 2 that minimizes F ( x 1 +
s v 2 ), which takes usto x 2 =
x 1 +
s 2 v 2 . The last
search directionis v 3 =
x 2
x 0 .After finding s 3 by minimizing F ( x 0 +
s v 3 ) we get to
x 3 =
x 0 +
s 3 v 3 ,completing the cycle.
P 0 ( x 0 )
P 0
s 1 v 1
s 3 v 3
v 3
P 1 ( x 1 )
P 5
P 1
P 6
P 3 ( x 3 )
P 3
v 1
P 4
s 2 v 2
P 2
P 2 ( x 2 )
v 2
Figure 10.3. The method of Powell.
Figure 10.3(b) shows the moves carried out in twocycles superimposed on the
contour map of a quadraticsurface.Asexplainedbefore, the first cycle starts at point
P 0 and ends up at P 3 . The second cycle takes usto P 6 , which is the optimal point. The
directions P 0 P 3 and P 3 P 6 are mutually conjugate.
Powell's methoddoes have a major flaw thathastobe remedied—if F ( x ) is not
a quadratic, the algorithm tendstoproduce search directionsthat graduallybecome
linearlydependent, thereby ruining the progress towards the minimum. The source
of the problemis the automatic discarding of v 1 at the end of each cycle. It has been
suggested that it is better to throw out the direction that resultedinthe largest decrease
of F ( x ), apolicy that we adopt. It seemscounterintuitivetodiscard the best direction,
but it islikely to be close to the direction addedinthe nextcycle, thereby contributing
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