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Note that the change in the gradient is s Au . If thischange is perpendicular to avector
v ; that is, if
v T Au
the directionsof u and v aresaid to be mutually conjugate (noninterfering). The
implicationisthatonce wehave minimized F ( x ) in the direction of v , wecan move
along u without ruining the previous minimization.
Foraquadraticfunction of n independent variables it is possible to construct n
mutually conjugate directions. Therefore, it would take precisely n lineminimizations
along these directionstoreach the minimumpoint. If F ( x ) is not a quadraticfunction,
Eq. (10.5)can betreatedas a local approximation of the meritfunction,obtainedby
truncating the Taylor series expansion of F ( x ) about x 0 (see Appendix A1):
2 ( x
x 0 ) T H ( x 0 )( x
F ( x )
F ( x 0 )
F ( x 0 )( x
x 0 )
x 0 )
Now the conjugate directions based on the quadraticform areonly approximations,
valid in the close vicinity of x 0 .Consequently, it would take severalcycles of n line
minimizationstoreach the optimal point.
The variousconjugate gradientmethods use different techniques for constructing
conjugate directions. The so-called zero-order methods work with F ( x )only, whereas
the first-order methods utilize both F ( x ) and
F . The first-ordermethods arecom-
putationallymoreefficient, of course, but the inputof
F (if it is available at all) can
be very tedious.
Powell's Method
Powell's methodis a zero-ordermethod, requiring the evaluation of F ( x )only. If the
problem involves n design variables, the basic algorithmis
Choose apoint x 0 in the design space.
Choose the starting vectors v i , i
n (the usual choice is v i =
e i , where e i
is the unit vectorinthe x i -coordinate direction).
do with i
Minimize F ( x ) along the linethrough x i 1 in the direction of v i .Let the
minimum point be x i .
end do
v n + 1
x 0
x n (this vectorisconjugate to v n + 1 producedinthe previous loop)
Minimize F ( x ) along the linethrough x 0 in the direction of v n + 1 .Let theminimum
point be x n + 1 .
x n + 1
x 0 |
exit loop
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