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Here aresome useful properties of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, givenwithout
All eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix are real.
All eigenvalues of a symmetric, positive-definite matrix are real and positive.
The eigenvectorsofa symmetric matrix areorthonormal; that is, X T X
I .
λ i , then the eigenvalues of A 1 are
λ 1
If the eigenvalues of A are
Eigenvalue problemsthatoriginate fromphysical problems often end up with
a symmetric A . This isfortunate, because symmetriceigenvalue problems are much
easier to solvethantheirnonsymmetriccounterparts. In thischapterwelargelyrestrict
our discussion to eigenvalues and eigenvectorsofsymmetric matrices.
Common sources of eigenvalue problems are the analysisofvibrations and sta-
bility. These problems often have the following characteristics:
The matrices arelarge and sparse (e.g.,have a banded structure).
We need to know only the eigenvalues;ifeigenvectors are required,onlyafew of
Ausefuleigenvalue solvermust be able to utilize these characteristics tominimize
the computations. In particular, it shouldbe flexible enoughtocompute onlywhat
we need and no more.
Jacobi Method
Similarity Transformation and Diagonalization
Consider the standard matrix eigenvalue problem
= λ
where A issymmetric.Let us now apply the transformation
where P is anonsingularmatrix. SubstitutingEq. (9.5) into Eq. (9.4) andpremultiplying
each side by P 1 , we get
P 1 APx = λ
P 1 Px
A x = λ
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