Graphics Programs Reference
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y .Both F
F = dEqs(x,y) specifies the first-orderdifferentialequations F ( x
y )
and y are column vectors.
r = residual(ya,yb) specifies all the applicable the boundary residuals y i ( a )
i and y i ( b )
β i ina column vector r , where
i and
β i are the prescribedbound-
ary values.
The thirdinput argument solinit is a structurethatcontains the x and y -values at
the nodes of the initialmesh. Thisstructurecanbe generatedwith MATLAB'sfunction
bvpinit :
solinit = bvpinit(xinit,@yguess) where xinit is avector containing the x -
coordinates of the nodes; yguess(x) is auser-supplied function that returns a
column vector containing the trial solutionsfor the components of y .
The numerical solutionat user-definedmesh points can beextracted from the
structure sol with the MATLAB function deval :
y = deval(sol,xmesh) where xmesh is an array containing the x -coordinates of
the mesh points. The functionreturns amatrix with the i th row containing the
values of y i at the mesh points.
The following program illustrates the use of the abovefunctions in solving
Example 8.1:
function shoot2
% Solution of Example 8.1 with MATLAB's function bvp4c.
xinit = linspace(0,2,11)';
solinit = bvpinit(xinit,@yguess);
sol = bvp4c(@dEqs,@residual,solinit);
y = deval(sol,xinit)';
% This is our own func.
F = [y(2); -3*y(1)*y(2)];
r = [ya(1); yb(1) - 1];
function yinit = yguess(x)
% Initial guessses for
yinit = [0.5*x; 0.5];
% y1 and y2.
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