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formulas. The final result isobtainedbyaveraging y n in Eq. (7.26) and the estimate
y n
y n 1 +
h F n available fromEuler formula:
2 ( y n + y n 1 +
h F n
y ( x 0 +
H )
Richardson Extrapolation
It can be shown that the errorinEq. (7.27) is
c 1 h 2
c 2 h 4
c 3 h 6
Herein lies the great utility of the midpoint method: wecan eliminate as many of the
leading error terms as we wish by Richardson'sextrapolation. For example, wecould
compute y ( x 0
H ) with a certain valueof h and thenrepeat the process with h
Denoting the corresponding results by g ( h ) and g ( h
2), Richardson'sextrapolation—
see Eq. (5.9)—thenyields the improvedresult
4 g ( h
g ( h )
y better ( x 0
H )
which isfourth-orderaccurate.Anotherround of integrationwith h
4 followedby
Richardson'sextrapolationget ussixth-orderaccuracy, etc.
The y 's in Eqs. (7.26) shouldbe viewedas aintermediate variables, because unlike
y ( x 0 +
H ), they cannot be refinedbyRichardson'sextrapolation.
The function midpoint in this module combines the midpoint methodwith Richard-
son extrapolation. The first application of the midpoint methoduses two integration
steps. The number of steps is doubledinsuccessive integrations, each integration
being followedbyRichardson extrapolation. The procedure is stoppedwhen twosuc-
cessive solutions differ (in the root-mean-squaresense) by less thanaprescribed
% Modified midpoint method for intergration of y' = F(x,y).
% dEqs = handle of function that returns the first-order
% differential equations F(x,y) = [dy1/dx,dy2/dx,...].
% x, y = initial values; y must be a row vector.
% xStop = terminal value of x.
% tol
= per-step error tolerance (default = 1.0e-6).
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