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Solution The function specifying the differentialequationis
% Differential eq. used in Example 7.5.
The solutionis(every 20th line was printed):
>> [x,y] = runKut4(@fex7
>> printSol(x,y,20)
x y1
0.0000e+000 1.0000e+000
2.0000e+000 1.3250e-001
4.0000e+000 -1.1237e+000
6.0000e+000 -4.6056e+002
8.0000e+000 -1.8575e+005
1.0000e+001 -7.4912e+007
It is clear thatsomething went wrong. According to the analytical solution, y
shoulddecrease to zero with increasing x , but the output shows the opposite trend:
after an initial decrease, the magnitudeof y increases dramatically. The explanation
isfound by taking a closer look at the analytical solution. The general solution of the
Ce 3 x
e x
which can be verifiedbysubstitution. The initialcondition y (0)
1yields C
0, so
e x .
The cause of trouble in the numerical solutionis the dormantterm Ce 3 x . Suppose
that the initialcondition contains a small error
that the solution to the problemis indeed y
,sothat wehave y (0)
+ ε
. This
changes the analytical solution to
e 3 x
e x
= ε
We now see that the term containing the error
becomes dominant as x is increased.
Since errors inherent inthenumerical solutionhave the same effect assmall changes in
initialconditions, weconcludethatour numerical solutionis the victim of numerical
instability duetosensitivity of the solution to initialconditions. The lesson here is:do
not alwaystrust the results of numerical integration.
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