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Romberg Integration
Romberg integration combines the composite trapezoidal rule with Richardson ex-
trapolation (see Art. 5.3).Let us first introduce the notation
I i
where, as before, I i represents the approximate valueof a f ( x ) dx computedbythe
recursivetrapezoidal rule using 2 i 1 panels.Recall that the errorinthis approximation
is E
R i , 1 =
c 1 h 2
c 2 h 4
, where
2 i 1
is the width of a panel.
Romberg integration starts with the computation of R 1 , 1 =
I 1 (one panel) and
I 2 (two panels) from the trapezoidal rule. The leading error term c 1 h 2 is then
eliminatedbyRichardson extrapolation. Using p
R 2 , 1
2 (the exponent in the error term)
in Eq. (5.9) and denoting the result by R 2 , 2 , weobtain
2 2 R 2 , 1
R 1 , 1
3 R 2 , 1
3 R 1 , 1
R 2 , 2 =
2 2
It isconvenient to store the results in an array of the form
R 1 , 1
R 2 , 1 R 2 , 2
I 3 (four panels) and repeat Richardson extra-
polationwith R 2 , 1 and R 3 , 1 , storing the result as R 3 , 2 :
The next stepistocalculate R 3 , 1 =
3 R 3 , 1
3 R 2 , 1
R 3 , 2
The elements of array R calculated so far are
R 1 , 1
R 2 , 1 R 2 , 2
R 3 , 1 R 3 , 2
Both elements of the second column have an error of the form c 2 h 4 , which can also
beeliminatedwith Richardson extrapolation. Using p
4 in Eq. (5.9), we get
2 4 R 3 , 2
R 2 , 2
15 R 3 , 2
15 R 2 , 2
R 3 , 3 =
2 4
( h 6 ). The array has now expanded to
This result has an error of
R 1 , 1
R 2 , 1 R 2 , 2
R 3 , 1 R 3 , 2 R 3 , 3
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