Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Pit toilets In most hotels in UB, aimag capitals and most ger camps, toilets are the sit-
down European variety. In other hotels and some more-remote ger camps, you will have
to use pit toilets and hold your breath.
Outdoors In the countryside, where there may not be a bush or tree for hundreds of kilo-
metres, modesty is not something to worry about - just do it where you want to, but away
from gers. Also, try to avoid such places as ovoos (sacred cairns of stones), rivers and
lakes (water sources for nomads) and marmot holes.
Toilet paper The plumbing is decrepit in many of the older hotels, and toilet paper can
easily jam up the works. If there is a rubbish basket next to the toilet, this is where the
waste paper should go. Toilet paper in the basic hotels resembles industrial-strength card-
board, or may be scraps of newspaper or old books. To avoid paper cuts, stock up on
softer brand toilet paper, available in the larger cities.
Tourist Information
There are two tourist information desks in Ulaanbaatar: at the Ulaanbaatar Bank build-
ing ( 7010-8687; ; Baga Toiruu 15; 9am-6pm) and inside
the Erel Bank ( 7010-1011; cnr Baga Toiruu West & Peace Ave; 9am-9pm May-
Sep, 10am-7pm Oct-Apr). Each is run by a separate entity. Outside UB, the only similar
tourist desk is in Mörön.
Travellers with Disabilities
Mongolia is a difficult place for wheelchair travellers. Pavements are rough and buildings
and buses are generally not wheelchair accessible. Still, travel to Ulaanbaatar and jeep
trips to places such as Khustain National Park shouldn't cause too many insurmountable
If any specialised travel agency might be interested in arranging trips to Mongolia, the
best bet is the US company Accessible Journeys ( 800-846-4537; ) in Pennsylvania. At the very least, hire your own transport and
guide through one of the Ulaanbaatar agencies. If you explain your disability, these agen-
cies may be able to assist you.
Tourist visas Currently, a 30-day tourist visa is easily obtained at any Mongolian em-
bassy, consulate, consulate-general or honorary consul.
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