Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
1 Aimag Museum B2
2 Lamyn Gegeenii Gon Gandan Dedlin Khiid B1
3 Natural History Museum B3
4 Bayankhongor Hotel A2
5 Negdelchin Hotel B4
6 Seoul Hotel A3
7 Baruun Bus A5
8 Black Market A4
9 Central Market A3
10 Mammoh B3
11 Soyombo A3
12 Supermarkets A2
13 Uran Khairkhan A3
Lamyn Gegeenii Gon Gandan Dedlin Khiid BUDDHIST MONASTERY
The original monastery by this name was located 20km east of Bayankhongor City and
was one of the biggest in the country. It was levelled by the communist government in
1937. The current monastery is home to only 15 monks. Daily services start at 10am in
the main 'brick ger' temple which features a statue of Sakyamuni (the historical Buddha)
flanked by a green-and-white Tara.
Aimag Museum MUSEUM
( 01442-22339; admission T2500; 9am-1pm & 2-6pm Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm Sat) The Aimag
Museum, inside the sports stadium in the park, is well laid out and worth a quick look.
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