Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Departure times here are based on the summer schedule (May to September), and are
subject to slight variations each year.
UB to Sainshand Train 286; departs 9.35am daily; arrives 8.15pm
Sainshand to UB Train 285; departs 9pm daily; arrives 8.05am
UB to Zamyn-Üüd Train 276; departs UB 4.30pm daily; arrives in Sainshand 1.38am.
Zamyn-Üüd to UB Train 275; departs Sainshand 11pm daily; arrives in UB 9.25am
Tickets from Ulaanbaatar cost T7400/13,200/ 21,500 for hard seat/hard sleeper/soft
sleeper. If you book your ticket more than a day ahead there is a T800 to T1200 fee, al-
though we found it fairly easy to buy same-day tickets to Ulaanbaatar from here.
The Trans-Mongolian Railway and the trains between Ulaanbaatar and Èrlián (Ereen;
just over the Chinese border) and Hohhot (in Inner Mongolia) stop at Sainshand, but you
cannot use these services just to get to Sainshand unless you buy a ticket all the way to
Around Sainshand
Although the desert in this part of the Gobi is typically flat and featureless, it is worth
hiring a vehicle for a day to explore the attractions outside of town. Negotiate a trip with
the drivers at Sainshand's jeep stand.
There are several rituals to observe when you enter the Shambhala site. Try to do
them in the following order.
» Write a bad thought on a piece of paper and burn it in the rocks to the left.
» Write down a wish, read it, throw some vodka in the air and drop some rice in the
stone circles on the ground (representing the past, present and future).
» Take a white pebble from the ground, place it on the pile of other white pebbles
and announce your family name.
» Take off your shoes and lie down on the ground, absorbing the energy of this sac-
red site.
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