Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The Gobi
POP 310,300 / AREA 612,000 SQ KM
Why Go?
The Gobi is a bleak place; vast, harsh and silent, and there are many who will question
your sanity if you choose to travel here. But it is the profound emptiness and terrible isola-
tion that draws adventurers to its fold. In a world of smartphones, social media and 24/7
cable news, there are few places on the planet where it is still possible to fall completely
off the radar like you can do in the Gobi.
This is, nevertheless, one of Mongolia's top-draw regions. Colossal sand dunes, ice-
filled canyons, dinosaur fossils and the promise of camel treks ensure that almost every
tour company in the country runs trips out here. And a recent explosion of Gobi ger (tradi-
tional yurt) camps means you'll never have to rough it if you don't want to, although stay-
ing with a camel herdsman in a simple guest ger is half the fun.
When to Go
Mar Bulgan celebrates its camel festival; usually on 6 and 7 March. Bring your woolies,
Apr-May Windstorms increase and airborne sand can get vicious.
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