Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Eastern Mongolia
POP 191,400 / AREA 286,200 SQ KM
Why Go?
Eastern Mongolia is where heaven and earth fuse into one - a boundless blue sky colliding
with an equally limitless sea of green. The occasional shack or ger reminds you that hu-
mans do inhabit this landscape, but for the most part it's an unspoilt amphitheatre of
bounding gazelle, scurrying marmots and jeep tracks that squiggle endlessly into the dis-
tance. This is one of the world's last great unharmed grassland ecosystems, and you can
imagine yourself galloping along it on horseback. The new oil fields are bringing change,
however, so get here before the prairie disappears. The other major feature of the region is
the Khan Khentii Mountains. This was the homeland of Temujin, the embattled boy who
grew up to become Chinggis Khaan. Travelling by horseback or jeep, you can visit places
associated with the world's greatest conqueror. The final frontier, this is by far the most
remote part of Mongolia, and a venture into its depths is a challenge even for the most ex-
perienced of travellers.
When to Go
Mid-Jul Naadam festival held in many towns and villages.
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