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practices that promote water infiltration and increase of organic matter,
and breeding to improve the effectiveness of root systems in utilising
soil-based resources.
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1 The Role of Soils in Food Security
There are many definitions of food security, but one that is most commonly
employed is that food security is the state when ''all people, at all times, have
physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet
their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life''. 1 Food
security is, then, a social construct in which availability, accessibility and
utilisation all contribute to its achievement (Figure 1). 2,3 Food security is
underpinned by effective food systems, which constitute a set of dynamic
interactions between and within biogeophysical and human environments.
Food systems comprise a number of activities (producing food; processing,
packaging and distributing food; and retailing and consuming food) that lead
to a number of associated outcomes, some of which contribute to food security
(i.e. food availability, access to food and food utilisation), and others which
relate to environmental and other social welfare concerns. 3 Because food
security is diminished when food systems are disrupted or stressed, food
security policy must address the whole food system.
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Elements of food security. (Source: adapted from Ericksen). 3
Figure 1
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