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Spawning Automata Construction
Given some ϕ
LTL FO , let us now examine how to build the corresponding SA,
A ϕ =
( Σ,l,Q,Q 0 ,
) s.t.
A ϕ )=
( ϕ ) holds. To this end, we set Σ =
A ϕ,v to denote the spawning automaton
for ϕ in which free variables are mapped according to a finite set of valuations v . 2 To
define the set of states for an SA, we make use of a restricted subformula function,
.If ϕ is not a sentence, we write
| ( ϕ ), which is defined like a generic subformula function, except if ϕ is of the form
x : p. ψ ,wehavesf | ( ϕ )= {ϕ}
. This essentially means that an SA for a formula ϕ
on the topmost level looks like the generalised Buchi automaton (GBA, cf. [3]) for ϕ ,
where quantified subformulae have been interpreted as atomic propositions.
For example, if ϕ = ψ
∧∀ x : p. ψ ,where ψ is a quantifier-free formula, then
A ϕ ,
at the topmost level n , is like the GBA for the LTL formula ψ
a ,where a is an atomic
x : p. ψ separately in
proposition; or in other words,
A ϕ handles the subformula
terms of a subautomaton of level n
1 (see also definition of δ below).
Finally, we define the closure of ϕ wrt. sf
| ( ϕ ) as cl( ϕ )=
| ( ϕ )
| ( ϕ ), i.e., the smallest set containing sf
| ( ϕ ), which is closed under negation. The
set of states of
A ϕ , Q , consists of all complete subsets of cl( ϕ );thatis,aset q
cl( ϕ )
is complete iff
for any ψ
cl( ϕ ) either ψ
q or
q , but not both; and
q and ψ
for any ψ
cl( ϕ ),wehavethat ψ
q iff ψ
q ;and
for any ψ U ψ
cl( ϕ ),wehavethatif ψ U ψ
q then ψ
q or ψ
q ,andif
ψ U ψ
q ,then ψ
q .
Let q
Q and
| A |
,I ).The transition function δ ( q, (
)) is defined iff
q ,wehave t I
p I and for all
q ,wehave t I
p I ,
for all p ( t )
p ( t )
q ,wehave t I
r I and for all
q ,wehave t I
r I .
for all r ( t )
r ( t )
In which case, for any q
Q ,wehavethat q
δ ( q, (
)) iff
q ,and
for all X ψ
cl( ϕ ),wehave X ψ
q iff ψ
for all ψ U ψ
cl( ϕ ),wehave ψ U ψ
q iff ψ
q and ψ U ψ
q .
q or ψ
This is similar to the well known syntax directed construction of GBAs (cf. [3]), except
that we also need to cater for quantified subformulae. For this purpose, an inductive
spawning function is defined as follows. If l> 0,then δ ( q, (
)) yields
( p, d )
( p, d )
σ A ψ,v
σ A ¬ψ,v
x : p.ψ∈q
¬∀ x : p.ψ∈q
where v = v
and v = v
∪{ x d }
∪{ x d }
are sets of valuations, otherwise
δ ( q, (
)) yields
. Moreover, we set Q 0 =
F ψ U ψ |
Considering free variables, even though our runtime policies can only ever be sentences, is
necessary, because an SA for a policy ϕ is inductively defined in terms of SAs for its subfor-
mulae (i.e., A ϕ 's subautomata), some of which may contain free variables.
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