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3 LTL FO —Formal Definitions and Notation
Let us now introduce our first-order specification language LTL FO and related concepts
in more detail. The first concept we need is that of a sorted first-order signature ,given
as Γ =( S , F , R ),where S is a finite non-empty set of sorts, F a finite set of function
symbols and R = U
I a finite set of a priori uninterpreted and interpreted predicate
symbols, s.t. U
. The former set of predicate symbols are
referred to as U -operators and the latter as I -operators. As is common, 0-ary functions
symbols are also referred to as constant symbols. We assume that all operators in Γ
have a given arity that ranges over the sorts given by S , respectively. We also assume an
infinite supply of variables, V , that also range over S and where V
I =
and R
F =
( F
R )=
us refer to the first-order language determined by Γ as
( Γ ). While terms in
( Γ ) are
( Γ ) are defined as follows:
made up of variables and function symbols, formulae of
ϕ ::= p ( t 1 ,...,t n )
r ( t 1 ,...,t n )
X ϕ
ϕ U ϕ
( x 1 ,...,x n ): p. ϕ,
where t 1 ,...,t n are terms, p
U , r
I ,and x 1 ,...,x n
V . As variables are sorted,
in the quantified formula
( x 1 ,...,x n ): p.ϕ ,the U -operator p with arity τ 1 ×
τ n ,
defines the sorts of variables x 1 ,...,x n to be τ 1 ,...,τ n , with τ i
S , respectively. For
terms t 1 ,...,t n , we say that p ( t 1 ,...,t n ) is well-sorted if the sort of every t i is τ i .
This notion is inductively applicable to terms. Moreover, we consider only well-sorted
formulae and refer to the set of all well-sorted
( Γ ) formulae over a signature Γ in
terms of LTL F Γ . When a specific Γ is either irrelevant or clear from the context, we will
simply write LTL FO instead. When convenient and a certain index is of no importance
in the given context, we also shorten notation of a vector ( x 1 ,...,x n ) by a (bold) x .
A Γ -structure ,orjust first-order structure is a pair
| A |
,I ),where
| A |
| A | 1
| A | i is either a non-
empty finite or countable set (e.g., set of all integers or strings) and I an interpretation.
I assigns to each sort τ i
∪| A | n , is a non-empty set called domain, s.t. every sub-domain
S a specific sub-domain τ i =
| A | i , to each function symbol
F of arity τ 1 ×
τ l −→
τ m a function f I :
| A | 1 ×
×| A | l −→ | A | m ,and
to every I -operator r with arity τ 1 × ...× τ m a relation r I
⊆| A | 1 × ...×| A | m .We
restrict ourselves to computable relations and functions. In that regard, we can think
of I as a mapping between I -operators (resp. function symbols) and the corresponding
algorithms which compute the desired return values, each conforming to the symbols'
respective arities. Note that the interpretation of U -operators is rather different from
I -operators, as it is closely tied to what we call a trace and therefore discussed after we
introduce the necessary notions and notation.
We model observed system behaviour in terms of actions :Let p
U with arity τ 1 ×
×| A | m , then we call ( p, d ) an action . We refer to finite
sets of actions as events . A system's behaviour is therefore a finite trace of events, which
we also denote as a sequence of sets of ground terms
τ m and d
D p =
| A | 1 ×
sms (1234)
login (“user”)
when we mean the sequence of tuples
( sms, 1234)
( login, “user”)
... Therefore
the occurrence of some action sms (1234) in the trace at position i
N 0 , written
sms (1234)
w i , indicates that, at time i , sms (1234) holds (or, from a practical point
of view, an SMS was sent to number 1234). We follow the convention that only sym-
bols from U appear in a trace, which therefore gives these symbols their respective
interpretations. The following formalises this notion.
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