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The state at time point i , that is, after the procedure eval ( ϕ,i,τ i i )has
been executed, consists of the list L ϕ of tuples ( τ j ,R j ) ordered with j ascending,
where j is such that j
i and τ i
τ j <b and where
D ,τ,j ) s,C j<k≤i ψ
D ,τ,k ) ,
( ¯
( ¯
R j := ψ
with s and C defined as in Section 3.3. We have
D ,τ,i ) = j≤i,τ i −τ j ∈I R j .
The computation of this union is performed in the last line of the eval since
procedure. Note that, in general, not all the relations R j in the list L ϕ are
needed for the evaluation of ϕ at time point i . However, the relations R j with j
such that τ i
( ¯
τ j
I ,thatis τ i
τ j <a , are stored for the evaluation of ϕ at
future time points i >i .
We now explain how the state is updated at time point i from the state at time
point i
1. We first drop from the list L ϕ the tuples that are not longer relevant.
More precisely, we drop the tuples that have as first component a timestamp τ j
for which the distance to the current timestamp τ i is too large with respect to
the right margin of I . This is done by the procedure drop old . Next, the state is
updated according to the logical equivalence α S β
β .This
is done in two steps. First, we update each element of L ϕ so that the tuples in the
stored relations also satisfy ψ at the current time point i . This step corresponds to
the conjunction in the above equivalence and it is performed by the map function.
The update is based on the equality R j = R i− j s,C
( α
( α S β ))
( ¯
D ,τ,i ) . Note that the
join distributes over the intersection. The second step, which corresponds to
the disjunction in the above equivalence, consists of appending the tuple ( τ i ,R i )
to L ϕ .Notethat R i =
( ¯
D ,τ,i ) .
Finally, we note that the proof of Theorem 6 follows the above presentation
of the algorithm, and is done by induction using the lexicographic ordering on
tuples ( i,
denotes ϕ 's size, defined as expected. Further-
more, the proof of Lemma 5 is straightforward. It follows by induction on the
formula structure and from the equalities given in Section 3.3, as each relational
algebra operator produces a finite relation when applied to finite relations.
), where i
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