Information Technology Reference
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A Appendix
The pseudo-code of the procedures init and eval is given in Figure 4. Our pseudo-
code is written in a functional-programming style with pattern matching. The
denotes the empty sequence, ++ sequence concatenation, and h :: L
the sequence with head h and tail L .
We describe the eval procedure in the following in more detail. The cases corre-
spond to the rules defining the set of monitorable formulas. The pseudo-code for
the cases corresponding to non-temporal connectives follows closely the equali-
ties given in Section 3.3 and also given in the appendix of the full version of the
paper. The predicates kind rig and kind rig ' check whether the input formula ϕ
is indeed of the intended kind. The get info
procedures return the parameters
used by the corresponding relational algebra operators. For instance, get info rig
returns the singleton set consisting of the constraint corresponding to the restric-
tions p ( t )or
p ( t ). Similarly, get info rig ' returns the effective index correspond-
ing to the only variable that appears only in the right conjunct of ϕ . The proce-
dure reval ( p,k,a ) returns the set
p D }
D |
( a 1 ,...,a k− 1 ,d,a k ,...,a n− 1 )
1 ,where n is the arity of the rigid predicate symbol p .
The case for the formulas of the form
for any a
I ψ is straightforward. We recursively
evaluate the subformula ψ , we update the state, and we return the relation
resulting from the evaluation of ψ at the previous time point, provided that the
temporal constraint is satisfied. Otherwise we return the empty relation.
The case for the formulas ϕ of the form ψ S I ψ or
ψ S I ψ is more involved.
It is mainly handled by the sub-procedure eval since , given in Figure 5. The
notation λx.f ( x ) denotes a function f . For the clarity of the presentation, we
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