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1 #include "stdlib.h"
3 typedef int * matrix;
5 / * @
6 requires size>=1;
7 requires \forall integer i,j; 0<=i<size && 0<=j<size ==> \valid (a+i * size+j);
8 requires \forall integer i,j; 0<=i<size && 0<=j<size ==> \valid (b+i * size+j);
9 ensures \forall integer i,j; 0<=i<size && 0<=j<size ==> \valid ( \result +i * size+j);
10 ensures \forall integer i,j; 0<=i<size && 0<=j<size ==>
\result [i * size+j] == a[i * size+j]+b[i * size+j];
12 * /
13 matrix sum(matrix a, matrix b, int size) {
int i, j, k, idx;
matrix c = (matrix)malloc( sizeof ( int ) * size * size );
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
idx = i * size + j;
c[idx] = a[idx] + b[idx];
return c;
22 }
Fig. 3. File sum.c with function sum returning the sum of two given square matrices of
given size in a new allocated matrix
modification of program behavior inside annotations. At the same time, specific
ghost code statements can be used when side-effects are necessary. In addition,
e-acsl has been designed as a subset of acsl, a specification language for C
programs shared by each static analyzer of Frama-C. Therefore, an e-acsl
specification can also be used for instance for proof of programs as illustrated
by Section 4.
Since e-acsl statements are not limited to assertions, we will now use the
term annotation (rather than assertion ) to refer to any e-acsl statement.
Fig. 2 illustrates two equivalent ways to specify the contract of the function
absval . The contract of Fig. 2a contains a precondition and a postcondition. The
precondition ( requires clause) prevents the risk of an overflow since the value
-INT_MIN cannot be represented by a machine number of type int . The postcon-
dition contains an ensures clause and a frame clause assigns specifying that the
function cannot modify any non-local variables. An equivalent specification using
two behaviors is shown in Fig. 2b.
Another example of an e-acsl contract is given in Fig. 3. Given two square
matrices a and b with size rows and size columns, function sum allocates and
returns a new matrix of the same size containing the sum of a and b . The validity
clause \valid (p) specifies that the memory location pointed by p is valid. For more
detail on C code specification in acsl, we refer the reader to [4,12].
3 Detecting Errors at Runtime with e-acsl Plug-In
In this section, we illustrate how the e-acsl plug-in can be used for runtime
verification of C programs. We consider several kinds of errors: failures in asser-
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