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Produce Jimple 3-address IR
Analyze, Optimize and Tag
Fig. 1. Input and Output Formats in Soot
of whole-program packs run. They do not target single methods or classes, but
the whole so-called scene containing all classes that have been loaded. Which
classes are loaded depends on Soot's command line options. Consult the online
documentation for details [24]. Usually, you only need to enable whole program
mode if your analysis requires a complete call graph. If not, you can skip these
phases by leaving the whole-program-mode option disabled which can consider-
ably improve performance.
The first whole-program pack to run is the cg pack which creates the callgraph.
Soot implements various callgraph construction algorithms. In this tutoral, we
will use SPARK [25] for maximum precision. In some cases, less precise, but faster
algorithms might be more appropriate. Once the callgraph is done, three more
whole-program packs (whole-jimple-transformation, whole-jimple-optimization,
whole-jimple-annotation) are executed, followed by a sequence of single method-
packs (jimple-transformation, jimple-optimization, jimple-annotation).
For our purposes, we leave the whole-porgram-mode disabled and add a new
phase to the jimple-transformation pack jtp which places our code directly after
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