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6. Leroy, X.: Formal verification of a realistic compiler. Commun. ACM 52(7), 107-115
7. Namjoshi, K.S., Zuck, L.D.: Witnessing program transformations. In: Logozzo, F.,
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8. Necula, G.: Translation validation of an optimizing compiler. In: Proceedings of
the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Principles of Programming Languages Design
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9. Pnueli, A., Siegel, M., Shtrichman, O.: The code validation tool (CVT)- automatic
verification of a compilation process. Software Tools for Technology Transfer 2(2),
192-201 (1998)
10. Pnueli, A., Siegel, M., Singerman, E.: Translation validation. In: Steffen, B. (ed.)
TACAS 1998. LNCS, vol. 1384, pp. 151-166. Springer, Heidelberg (1998)
11. Rinard, M., Marinov, D.: Credible compilation with pointers. In: Proceedings of
the Run-Time Result Verification Workshop (July 2000)
12. Tristan, J.-B., Govereau, P., Morrisett, G.: Evaluating value-graph translation val-
idation for LLVM. In: PLDI, pp. 295-305 (2011)
13. Zuck, L.D., Pnueli, A., Goldberg, B.: Voc: A methodology for the translation val-
idation of optimizing compilers. J. UCS 9(3), 223-247 (2003)
14. Zuck, L.D., Pnueli, A., Goldberg, B., Barrett, C.W., Fang, Y., Hu, Y.: Transla-
tion and run-time validation of loop transformations. Formal Methods in System
Design 27(3), 335-360 (2005)
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