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( A 1 ) init., set precond., π := ε
f C function under test
π current partial path in f
p C function that checks if a test t
satisfies the precondition of f
ρ current partial path in p
( A 2 ) symb. exec. π in f
( A 3 ) generate test t
( A 5 ) compute next π
( A 4 ) execute f on t
no more paths in f
Fig. 1. Basic P AT H C RAWLER test generation method (with a native precondition)
( A 1 ) init., π := ε
( A 2 ) symb. exec. π in f
( A 1 ) ρ := ε
( A 2 ) symb. exec. ρ in p
( A 3 ) generate test t
p is
on t
A 5 ) compute next ρ
A 4 ) execute p on t
p is true on t
no more paths in p
A 5 ) compute next π
A 4 ) execute f on t
no more paths in f
Fig. 2. Our late-precondition method using a precondition defined in a separate C function
Late-Precondition Method
Usual Test Generation in P AT H C RAWLER In Fig. 1 we briefly present (following
[7, Sec.2.1]) the DSE-based test generation method for a C function f implemented
in P AT H C RAWLER .Step
A 1 creates a logical variable for each input of f and posts
the constraints for the precondition of f (given in an internal format). The depth-first
exploration of program paths (steps
A 2 symboli-
cally executes the current partial path π in f and posts corresponding path constraints,
solved at
A 2 -
A 5 ) starts with the empty path ε .
A 3 in order to generate a test t activating a path starting with π .If
A 2 or
A 3 fails, i.e., π is infeasible, then
A 5 continues directly to the next partial path in a
depth-first search. If a test t is found,
A 4 executes f on t and observes the complete
executed path and its results. Note that some solvers (e.g., Colibri the constraint solver
used in P AT H C RAWLER ) support incremental constraint solving. That is why, if the
constraints are sent to the solver during the symbolic execution and if the solver detects
the infeasibility of a path at steps
A 2 -
A 3 , the process skips
A 4 and goes to
A 5 .
Late-Precondition Process. Let us assume given the precondition of f defined by
a C function p , returning true (a non-zero value) when the inputs are admissible for
f . One could suggest to filter inputs by p before exploring f . It can be done when
the precondition is a conjunction of elementary conditions (it is the case in the native
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