Information Technology Reference
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(R1) If C j ∈F
, then it is deemed as a good task. In the trace reconstruction,
C j 's behavior is constrained by ϕ C j , i.e., a correct task's constraint.
(R2) If C j ∈F\C
, i.e., C j is faulty but not in the consideration of being
suspected, then all output events produced by C j on trace Tr are preserved
on any reconstructed traces.
(R3) If C j ∈C⊆F
,then C j is a faulty task that is replaced by a good one. In
this case, the trace reconstruction “removes” the events that should not
haveoccurredonthetrace Tr , and “adds” those which must be produced
by C j .
The logical constraint to express that an event e is observed at time t on the
trace Tr is expressed as
( e ,t )
Tr.e = e
t = t.
on Tr ( e,t ):=
The constraint that all events task C j produced on Tr are preserved on re-
constructed traces is specified with
( e ,t ) .e = e
t = t ] .
κ C j :=
O C j .
R 0 . [ on Tr ( e,t )
The constraint κ C j means that, any execution trace that satisfies κ C j must
have an event e which is the same as the e delivered at time t = t , for any
timestamped event ( e,t )on Tr .
The task constraint of “removing” events from a trace in the trace reconstruc-
tion is done by adding more constraints to rule out traces where the events that
have to be removed occur. An event e must be removed in the trace reconstruc-
tion if (1) e is produced by a suspected faulty task C j , and (2) there is no other
event on the trace that triggers the event e . The task constraint of “adding”
events that a faulty task C j must have produced is specified by augmenting the
task constraint ϕ C j to specify the allowed time ranges for output events from
C j . The definitions of the “removing” and “adding” constraints are application
dependent. We defer the details to Subsection 5.3, and use ρ C j and α C j for now
to represent the two constraints for “removing” and “adding”, respectively.
The conditions for the rules (R1)-(R3) are defined as
ξ C j , 1 :=
in ( C j ,
) .
ξ C j , 2 := in ( C j ,
in ( C j ,
) .
ξ C j , 3 :=
in ( C j ,
) .
):= C∈F
Here the in is the set membership relation defined as in ( C j ,
C = C j .
The task constraint for C j in the trace reconstruction is then specified as
ϕ C j ,
if ξ C j , 1 ,
ψ C j :=
κ C j ,
if ξ C j , 2 ,
α C j
ρ C j , if ξ C j , 3 .
Finally, it is required that exactly the set of observed system input events
on Tr occur in reconstructed traces. The set I of possible system input
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