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Definition 4 (System Definition) . A system definition S =
C 1 ,...,C J
sists of a set of components.
The set of all events in the system is defined by E S = j =1 I C j
O C j ,where
J is the number of components in the system.
Definition 5 (System Property) . A system property ϕ S for system definition
S is a constraint defined on the set E S of system events.
Hypothesis 1. There must be at least one component violation for a system
property violation, or equivalently, j =1 ϕ C j
ϕ S .
Hypothesis 1 is the basis for the causality analysis. A violation to Hypothesis 1
implies a flawed system design, which is out of the scope of this paper.
Definition 6 (Violation) . We say that a property ϕ is violated on trace Tr if
and only if Tr
= ϕ . A system property violation is called a system failure. A
component property violation is called a component failure; in such cases, the
component is called faulty.
Definition 7 (Faulty Components) . Given an observed trace Tr andasystem
definition S on which a system property ϕ S is violated, we define
C is a component in S and Tr
= ϕ C }
to be the set of faulty components for the violation of ϕ S on Tr .
Consider a suspected subset
of faulty components. Replacing every
with a correct one would result in an alternative system S .Let
component in
tr is a trace for S ,and
tr has the same system input as observed on Tr
TR C =
be the set of possible system traces for S when rerunning the system S with the
same system input as observed on Tr . The formal characterization of TR C is a
case-by-case analysis, for which we show with the GPCA case study in Section 5.
Based on TR C , several notions of causes can be defined.
Definition 8 (Contributory Cause [22]) . A (non-empty) suspected subset C⊆
F of faulty components is a contributory cause for the violation of a system
property ϕ S on an observed trace Tr if and only if
= ϕ S .
Definition 9 (Main Contributory Cause/Necessary Cause [26,11]) . A (non-
empty) suspected subset
TR C .tr
of faulty components is a main contributory
cause for the violation of a system property ϕ S on an observed trace Tr if and
only if
= ϕ S .
Definitions 8 and 9 bound the two extremes of defining necessary cause. Def-
inition 8 requires there exists at least one alternative system execution trace on
which the system failure disappears while Definition 9 requires so on all alterna-
tive system execution traces. In this work, we do not fix a causality definition,
but take it as a parameter of the causality analysis problem.
Definition 10 (Causality Analysis Problem Definition) . Given a system defi-
nition S , a system property ϕ S ,andatrace Tr such that Tr
TR C .tr
= ϕ S ,let
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