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Algorithm 1. transition (( Q c ,b c ,T c ) ,s,δ )
1: cs := ; // initialize result set
2: l := label ( s ) s := shadowBinding ( s ); //extract label and bindings from s
3: //compute target states
4: Q t := δ ( Q c ,l );
5: //compute configurations for objects moving to Q t ;
6: β + := and ( b c s );
7: if β +
= then
8: cs := cs ∪ ( Q t + ,true );
9: end if
10: //compute configurations for objects staying in Q c ;
11: B := v∈dom ( β s ) andNot ( b c s ,v ) \{⊥} ;
12: cs := cs ∪{ ( Q c ,T c ) | β ∈ B } ;
13: return cs ;
(Lines 11-12). Moreover, for the backward analysis, when we create an initial
configuration, the value of T in the initial configuration is set to false .
Based on the extended configuration definition and the transition algorithm,
we can identify changeless configurations produced by backward analysis. For
agivenshadow s and a configuration ( Q,b,T )in futures ( s ), if T is false ,the
configuration will be considered to be interferential, and should be filtered when
checking whether the shadow s is a “nop shadow”.
4.2 Exploiting Local Object Information
First, we present how to determine whether a static object is a local object .We
have the following two observations: first, for a given static object inside in a
method, if it is created by a “ new ” statement within the method, the object
must be a local object to this method; second, for any two strong must-alias [9]
static objects O 1 and O 2 inside a method, these two objects always refer to a
same heap object, which implies that they always point to a same local object
or a same non-local object. Based on these two insights, Algorithm 2 is designed
to identify local objects.
For a given method m and a static object O , the algorithm returns true
if O is a local object in m ; otherwise returns false . Algorithm 2 first declares
aset newObjects , and then adds all the local objects created by the “ new
statements in m to newObjects (Lines 1-7). Then, the algorithm checks whether
there exists an element in newObjects that is strong must-alias to O (Lines 8-
12). Currently, the must-alias analysis is only intra-procedural flow-sensitive,
and makes a conservative assumption that any two static objects coming from
different methods may alias. Therefore, Algorithm 2 is an approximated, but
sound, evaluation. In order to gain more eciency, we extract Lines 2-7 from
Algorithm 2 and compute the newObjects set before the optimized NSA.
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