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they must not alias. Hence, in principle, we should filter this type of interferen-
tial configurations generated from backward analysis when checking whether a
shadow can be removed. Based on this insight, our optimized NSA can success-
fully identify the shadows, similar to the shadow at line 8, as “nop shadows”.
Figure 3 shows another example to motivate the second optimization ap-
proach. Different from the former one, the typestate property “Connection-
Closed” is not violated by the method m . Therefore, all the shadows in method
m can be safely removed. However, by using the original NSA, all the shadows
will remain.
1 public static void m(String args[]) {
Connection c1 = new Connection(args[0]);
………………… S 12 = (0, T) S 22 = (1, C = {O}) F 12 = ({1,2}, C = {O}) F 22 = ({0,1,2}, C = {O})
………………… S 13 = (0, C = {O}) S 23 = (2, C = {O}) F 13 = ({2}, T) F 23 = ({0,1,2}, C = {O})
………………… S 14 = (1, C = {O}) S 24 = (1, C = {O}) F 24 = ({1,2}, C = {O})
Fig. 3. The example for motivating the second optimization
The problem is mainly resulted by the approximated inter-procedure analysis.
Figure 3 shows partial forward and backward analysis results that are next to
the two downward arrows and two upward arrows, respectively. Because there
may be several consecutive method calls to a method in a program, for ensuring
the soundness, the forward analysis needs to propagate the configuration at the
end of a method to the entry of the method until a fixed-point is reached. For
example, S 14 is propagated to the entry configuration S 22 of the next iteration
(indicated by the red dotted line). The propagation also happens in backward
analysis. After reaching the fixed-point, the shadow at line 3 can produce the
configuration S 23 , which contains an error state. Thus, this shadow cannot be
removed. In addition, the shadow at line 4 changes the configuration S 13 to S 14 ,
but state 0 in S 13 and state 1 in S 14 are not both contained in the state set
of the configuration F 24 . Therefore, the shadow at line 4 cannot be removed
After carefully analyzing the example program, we find the reason is that the
configuration propagation disregards the local object information. In this paper,
we call a static object, which is created by a “ new ” statement within the method
currently being analyzed, a local object . For example, the static object O created
by the statement at line 2 is a local object. Obviously, at runtime, each local ob-
ject will be assigned with a different runtime object each time when the method
is invoked and the “ new ” statement is executed. Therefore, for the example in
Figure 3, the configuration S 22 should not have a same variable binding as S 14 .
If we have the local object information of the example program, i.e. , no need to
do the second forward iteration and the second backward iteration, then both
of the “nop shadows” at line 3 and line 4 can be removed. Based on the obser-
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