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The rules for quantified expressions are non-deterministic. Consider an expression
= Q 1 x 1 ···
Q n x n
q in prenex normal form, where n> 0, Q k is one of
for all k 's, and q is quantifier-free. Rule QUANT -T evaluates
to true and adds it to
the universal constraints υ after the following transformation. First,
is Skolemized
q 1 ,where y is the subsequence of x 1 ,...,x n including only those x k 's for
which Q k is
E 1 is the environment after Skolemization, which contains fresh logical
variables for the Skolem functions introduced by the process. Evaluating q 1 in
E 1 yields
some q 2 where the bound variables y map to fresh logical variables ; after performing
the substitution q = q 2 [ y ],
q is added to υ .Rule QUANT -F, which evaluates
to false, follows by duality (
Procedure Call Semantics. The precise semantics of procedure calls involves several
details to support recursion—mainly, maintaining a stack of environments and corre-
spondingly keeping track of scope. We overlook these tedious aspects and focus on the
gist of the semantics of a call to a generic procedure P (before desugaring):
procedure P( a ) returns ( o ) requires p ensures q modifies ( m )
with formal input a and output o parameters, modified global variables m , body B ,and
pre- and postcondition p and q . The desugaring of Sec. 3.1 turns pre- and postcondition
into checks at the call site:
assert p [ a u ] ; call v := P ( u ) ; assume q [ a , o u , v ] ;
(For brevity, we do not discuss the handling of old expressions in postconditions.) It
also generates a modified procedure body B to reflect the implementation or spec-
ification semantics, according to whether P has a body or not: if B is defined, B
adds an assert q before each return statement in B ;if B is not defined, B con-
sists of the single statement havoc o , m . The effect of the call statement is then given
by B [ a u ]@ entry where @ entry denotes the basic block of statements at proce-
dure P 's entry. Even though Boogaloo defaults to implementation semantics whenever
a body is available, one can always switch to the specification semantics for a particular
procedure by commenting out its body.
Operational Semantics. Fig. 4 describes the operational semantics of statements other
than procedure calls, using the notation
E− S E to denote that executing statement
E . Rules are applicable only if τ =
S changes the environment
the computation has not terminated yet; after rules HALT or ABORT have changed τ to
no rule is applicable and hence the computation terminates.
Rules SEQ for sequential composition, GOTO for branch, and RETURN for abrupt
termination are standard, using the notation @ caller to denote the basic block beginning
after the current call in the caller procedure. Rule GOTO is clearly nondeterministic.
Rule ASSUME adds the assumed Boolean formula to the set κ of state constraints.
Rule HAVOC “forgets” the symbolic value of the variable v , as if uninitialized. Rule ASS
updates the symbolic value in σ associated to the assigned variable v .
The most interesting rule is PICK , which details how pick concretizes symbolic
states. It extends κ into κ , adding map instance constraints κ μ =
or failing
m [ x ]= y
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