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where K is the set of concrete values defined above; unary UOp and binary BOp op-
erators are in Fig. 2, and L denotes a set of logical variables of the same types as the
concrete values. A logical variable of type T corresponds to a symbolic placeholder
(a “promise”) for a concrete value of type T . To represent quantifiers in constraints, we
also introduce a set of universal symbolic values Σ ::=
Σ V ,where Σ V
is a symbolic expression, which can also include bound variables V . Given a set X of
expressions, LV( X ) is the set of all logical variables appearing in X .
V : T
Symbolic States. A symbolic state (environment) is a tuple
where the store σ : V
Σ maps variables to symbolic values; the logical store
λ : L
Σ maps scalar logical variables to symbolic values; the map store μ : L
( Σ
Σ ) maps map logical variables to symbolic maps; κ
Σ is a finite set of
simple state constraints ; υ
Σ is a finite set of universal state constraints ;and τ
is one of
, denoting an intermediate state (
), or the final state of a passing
) execution. The map store associates logical variables of map type to
symbolic maps : finite maps whose domain and range are in Σ ; symbolic maps extend
their finite domains as execution progresses; pick concretizes their domain and range,
turning symbolic maps into concrete ones.
) or failing (
Expression Evaluation. Let E denote the set of all expressions defined by E in Fig. 2
but whose atoms range over C
L (i.e., including logical variables L ). The eval-
uation of an expression e
E in an environment
is a symbolic value in Σ .Weuse
E = E e to denote that e
to e
the notation:
Σ .Aswede-
tail shortly, evaluating an expression may change the environment; correspondingly,
E evaluates in
denotes the updated environment, whose components are written
When convenient, we extend this notation to sequences e = e 1 ,...,e n of expressions,
evaluated one after another. Fig. 3 shows the evaluation rules for the most interesting
expression kinds. Since evaluation does not change the λ , κ ,and τ environment com-
ponents, Fig. 3 omits them. Also notice that evaluating a symbolic value never changes
the environment, and every concrete value evaluates to itself.
Rules LOG - IN and LOG - OUT describe the simple cases of evaluating a logical vari-
able :if λ [ ] is defined, it yields 's evaluation; otherwise, evaluates to itself.
Rules VA R - IN and VA R - OUT describe the evaluation of a (program) variable v .If
it has already been initialized, the evaluation of σ [ v ] gives its symbolic value. Other-
wise ( VA R - OUT ), such as when v enters the scope or after executing havoc v , σ [ v ] gets
initialized to a fresh logical variable .
The rules for map selection are similar to those for variables but target the map store
μ : if a map selection has already been evaluated, its symbolic value is returned ( SEL -
IN ); otherwise, a fresh logical variable is generated and stored in μ ( SEL - OUT ).
Rules UPD and LAMBDA deal with evaluating expressions of map type for updates
and lambda abstractions. Both rules introduce a fresh map logical variable and add
to υ a universally quantified constraint that defines the map. Thus, map expressions
(variables, updates, and lambdas) always evaluate to a logical variable; this justifies
using the evaluation m of m as an index in μ in the premises of SEL - IN , SEL - OUT ,
and UPD .
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