Information Technology Reference
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P ::= D
D ::= type tid |
var V : T
) returns (
) modifies ( V )
procedure pid (
V : T
V : T
V : T
lid : S
S ::= S ; S | havoc V +
| V + := E +
| call V := pid ( E + ) | assume E | goto lid +
| return | R
R ::= halt | abort | pick
T ::= bool | int | [ T + ] T | tid
E ::= C
E [ E + ]
E [ E + := E ]
old E
UOp E | E BOp E | if E then E else E | QOp V : T
• E
V ::= vid
C ::= true | false | 0 | 1 | 2 |···
UOp ::=
BOp ::= + |−|···|< |≤| = |···|∧|∨|···
QOp ::= ∃|∀|λ
Fig. 2. Desugared language supported by Boogaloo, consisting of programs P , declarations D ,
statements S , types T , and expressions E . Angular brackets are part of the grammar metalan-
guage, used to mark optional (?) or repeated ( , +) expressions.
square brackets denote map applications. Whenever convenient, we see m as a set
of ( n +1)-tuples: m
m iff
m [ d 1 ,...,d n ]= d 0 . dom( m ) and rng( m ) denote the domain and range of m ; m is
total if dom( m )= D 1 ×···×
D 1 ×···×
D n ×
D 0 such that ( d 1 ,...,d n ,d 0 )
d ]
denotes a map m identical to m except that m [ d 1 ,...,d n ]= d . We overload this no-
tation to denote variable substitution: if e,y 1 ,...,y n are expressions, and x 1 ,...,x n ,
are variable names, e [ x 1 ,...,x n
D n ,and finite if
dom( m )
|∈ Z
; m [ d 1 ,...,d n
y 1 ,...y n ] denotes e with all occurrences of x k
replaced by y k ,for k =1 ,...,n .
Input Language
Boogaloo desugars generic Boogie programs [17] into the simpler language described
in Fig. 2. Programs P are lists of declarations D , whose order is immaterial. Dec-
larations include uninterpreted type s, global var iables, and procedure s with input
parameters, output parameters ( returns ), global variables the procedure may mod-
ify ( modifies clause), and body (between braces). Procedure bodies consist of local
variable declarations followed by a list of labeled statements S . The latter include se-
quential composition, regular and nondeterministic assignment (:= and havoc , possibly
in parallel to multiple variables), procedure call , assume , nondeterministic goto aset
of label identifiers, and abrupt return to the caller procedure, as well as directives R
described shortly. Expressions must be properly typed as bool eans, int egers, maps
[ T 1 ,...,T n ] T 0 from arbitrary domain ( T 1 ,...,T n ) and codomain T 0 types, and user-
defined uninterpreted types 3 . Expressions E include literal constants C , variables V ,
map applications m [ t 1 ,...,t n ], map updates m [ t 1 ,...,t n := t ], old expressions which
refer to the value of an expression when the procedure was entered, plus the usual
applications of unary operators UOp , binary operators BOp ,aternary if / then / else
operator, and quantifications and lambda expressions QOp .
The directives halt , abort ,and pick are Boogaloo-specific and characterize sym-
bolic executions: halt terminates the current execution with success (marking pass-
While Boogaloo supports Boogie's type constructors with arguments, as well type parameters
in procedures and maps, we do not include them in the discussion for simplicity.
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