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To Run What No One Has Run Before:
Executing an Intermediate Verification Language
Nadia Polikarpova, Carlo A. Furia, and Scott West
Chair of Software Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Abstract. When program verification fails, it is often hard to understand what
went wrong in the absence of concrete executions that expose parts of the im-
plementation or specification responsible for the failure. Automatic generation of
such tests would require “executing” the complex specifications typically used
for verification (with unbounded quantification and other expressive constructs),
something beyond the capabilities of standard testing tools.
This paper presents a technique to automatically generate executions of pro-
grams annotated with complex specifications, and its implementation for the Boo-
gie intermediate verification language. Our approach combines symbolic execu-
tion and SMT constraint solving to generate small tests that are easy to read
and understand. The evaluation on several program verification examples demon-
strates that our test case generation technique can help understand failed verifica-
tion attempts in conditions where traditional testing is not applicable, thus making
formal verification techniques easier to use in practice.
Help Needed to Understand Verification
Static program verification has made tremendous progress, and is now being applied
to real programs [16,11] well beyond the scale of “toy” examples. These achievements
are impressive, but still require massive efforts and highly-trained experts. One of the
biggest remaining obstacles is understanding failed verification attempts [19]. Most
difficulties in this area stem from inherent limits of static verification, and hence could
benefit from complementary dynamic techniques.
Static program proving techniques—implemented in tools such as Boogie [17],
Dafny [18], and VeriFast [8]—are necessarily incomplete, since they target undecid-
able problems. Incompleteness implies that program verifiers are “best effort”: when
they fail, it is no conclusive evidence of error. It may as well be that the specification is
sound but insufficient to prove the implementation correct; for example, a loop invariant
may be too weak to establish the postcondition. Even leaving the issue of incomplete
specifications aside, the feedback provided by failed verification attempts is often of
little use to understand the ultimate source of failure. A typical error message states
that some executions might violate a certain assertion but, without concrete input val-
ues that trigger the violation, it is difficult to understand which parts of the programs
Work partially supported by SNF grants 200021-137931 (FullContracts), 200020-134974
(LSAT), and 200021-134976 (ASII); and by ERC grant 291389 (CME).
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