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6 Combining Synthesis and Runtime Constraint Solving
The deductive synthesis framework allows us to split a challenging problem into
tractable sub problems. In the case where the subproblems remain too challeng-
ing, we keep their corresponding declarative specifications and compile them into
the run-time invocation of the constraint. This result in a partially implemented
program. In certain cases, the partial program is well-defined for simple, frequent
paths, and only falls back to run-time solving for complex cases.
As an illustrative example, we give here the partial derivation of the func-
tion contains on CTree s from Section 2 using rules such as the ones described in
Section 5.
We start with the synthesis problem:
c , d , v
inv ( CTree ( c , d ))
content ( CTree ( c , d ))
A first step is to perform case analysis on d , the tree. This generates two sub-
problems, for the cases Empty and Node respectively. For Empty ,wehave:
c , v
inv ( CTree ( c , Empty ))
content ( CTree ( c , Empty ))
At this point, inv(CTree(c, Empty)) simplifies to
and content(CTree(c, Empty))
simplifies to . The problem thus becomes:
c , v
which is solved by
.Forthe Node branch, we have:
c , n , v
= Empty
inv ( CTree ( c , n ))
content ( CTree ( c , n ))
This is almost the original problem, with the additional contextual information
that the tree is not empty. Given that we have two integer variables in scope, c
and v (the cache and the value for which we are checking inclusion), a potential
tactic is to perform case analysis on their equality. This yields two subproblems.
For the equal case, we have one fewer variable:
n , v
= Empty
inv ( CTree ( v , n ))
content ( CTree ( v , n ))
At this point, because inv(CTree(v,n)) implies that v CTree(v,n) , the problem is
solved with
For the final subproblem, where d is a Node and the cache does not hold
the value v , our system is currently not e cient enough to derive a solution.
Therefore, it falls back to emitting a run-time invocation of choose . Combining
the solutions for all subproblems, we obtain the partially synthesized function
contains asshowninSection2.
6.1 Discussion
It is our hope that the combination of two technologies, run-time constraint solv-
ing and synthesis, can make execution of specifications practical. It will be then
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