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3.3 Determinizing VPMM
In order to be able to actually implement a Vpmm as monitor to evaluate ob-
servations it must be deterministic. We can lift the determinization construc-
tion for Vpa [13] to determinize a Vpmm P
) by adding
treatment of output symols. We construct an equivalent deterministic Vpmm
P =( Q ,Σ,Γ ,q 0 ,
=( Q,Σ,Γ,δ,Q 0 ,
) as follows.
In the finite control Q =2 Q×Q
2 Q we store, as in the standard subset
construction for finite automata, a set of current states R
Q and additionally
an effect relation S
Q .
Inbetween a call action a c and its corresponding return action a r , S summa-
rizes the transitions that were made on every state. That is, when
were in
some state q just after reading a c and from there possibly reached some state q
before reading a r , S contains the tuple ( q,q ).
The stack of P , stores triples ( S ,R ,a c )from Γ ⊆ Q × Σ c where R ,S
are the current states and the effect relation at the time the last open call a c
occurred. In the initial state q 0 = { ( Id Q ,Q 0 ) } , there is no recorded effect, i.e.
each q points to itself, and the current states are the initial states of
Internal. An internal action a int
Σ int simply updates the set of current states by
applying δ element-wise. The effect relation is updated analogously. If ( q,q )
is a recorded effect on q and q is mapped to q by δ on reading a int , then in the
next state of
P werecordthetuple( q,q ) as effect on q .
We let δ (( S,R ) ,a int )=( S ,R ,γ, ) such that
S =
( q,q )
q , :( q,q )
S, ( q , )
δ ( q ,a int )
R =
q |∃
R,γ , :( q , )
δ ( q,a int )
R,γ ,q :( q , )
δ ( q,a int )
As opposed to the construction for Vpa, we have also to compute the current
output . It is obtained from all possible transitions from the current states q
via reading a int .Since δ is non-deterministic these are in general multiple values
that are considered in disjunction. We therefore take the join, i.e. the supremum,
of those.
Call. Upon reading a call symbol a c ∈ Σ c , the current states set R and the
current effect S is stored by pushing them, together with a c ,ontothestack.
While the set of current states is maintained by applying a c via δ , the effect
relation is reset s.t. every state q maps to itself. The output is obtained in the
same way as by reading an internal action.
We let δ (( S,R ) ,a c )=( Id Q ,R , ( S,R,a c ) γ, ) such that
R =
q |∃
R,γ , :( q , )
δ ( q,a c )
R,γ ,q :( q , )
δ ( q,a c )
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